
How To Fix Windows 10 Search Bar Blank Result

The Windows search bar is one of the most useful features when using Windows 10. From there, we can access files, enter certain settings, and open any application easily and quickly.

But after an update some time ago it turned out that a bug appeared that caused Windows search to not function and so blank when we type in keywords, it just appears blank white nothing appears. Though usually by typing only a few keywords, Cortana will display some suggestions that we want.

It seems like there is a bug that causes Cortana to stop working so that when we use the Windows search bar, no results are displayed. To fix the Search Bar Blank Result in windows 10, there are several methods we can use.

Cause of Windows 10 Search Bar Blank Result

I have experienced this condition myself.

Windows 10 search feature on my PC had a problem. Not active, though. But if it is used to search for something, all that happens is continuous loading without stopping.

In addition, sometimes, the appearance turns white. Though normally, if the search feature in the Start menu is opened, then Cortana will appear.

To be honest, at first, I thought that this was a problem from the system drive on my PC that was not normal. You see, incidentally had long also does not install again.

But, apparently not so. From my test results, this could have caused the following problems:

  • Cortana Error: One of the features of Windows 10 that functions as an assistant. If an error occurs, it can cause the search feature to become an error as well.
  • Error from Update: For example, we update the system. Uh, there was an error. This can affect too.
  • Many Cache Files: If you rarely clean the hard disk data, then this condition will be found often.
  • System Error: Finally, maybe an error from the system. Many more factors trigger this.

How to Fix Windows 10 Search Bar Blank Result

1. Restart Cortana

Restart Cortana

The first way you can try to deal with Windows search that doesn’t work is to stop Cortana through the task manager. The idea is for Cortana to restart. So when we kill the process through the task manager, Cortana will automatically restart.

I have tried this method, and it works. But maybe the results can be different on your PC or laptop. Please try first.

The solution, stop the Cortana program process first. Here’s how:

  1. Open the Task Manager, by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Del.
  2. Then, click the Process tab.
  3. Look for Cortana.
  4. Right-click Cortana, then click End Task.
  5. Wait a few moments; then you will see the search column becomes disabled.
  6. After the search column is active again, you can immediately try it.

This method is arguably simple but very effective. Problems with the search feature in the taskbar column that cannot be used can also be lost.

Then, if for example, you restart your laptop/computer, then this error appears again, repeat the steps above.

2. Restart the Windows search service

Restart the Windows search service

If the method described earlier doesn’t work, then don’t give up yet. You can try checking the Search service available on Windows 10. Search is a feature of Windows that runs in the background.

The feature to also be set when Windows starts automatically. For that, you can check the service and restart in the following way.

Here’s how to fix a Windows 10 search that isn’t working:

  1. First press the ” Windows + R ” key combination on the keyboard to open the ” Run ” window.
  2. If the Run window is open, then you need to write the command in the form ” services.msc ” and click on the OK option.
  3. A new window will appear, and you can search for ” Windows Search “.
  4. If you have found it, then right-click on “Windows Search” and click on the Restart option.
  5. When you have restarted “Windows Search”, right-click again on the text then select the Properties option.
  6. You also need to make sure that the General tab is set to Automatic.
  7. After that, open the Recovery Tab, and select the Restart the Services option.
  8. If you’ve done everything correctly, you can click OK, and you can immediately try the Windows 10 Search feature that didn’t work.
Restart the Windows search service

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3. Restart Windows Explorer

Restart Windows Explorer

Windows Explorer is a manager of all files and applications in our storage. All application files run by Windows are very dependent on Windows Explorer, if it has problems, it can also cause the search feature in Windows 10 to be blank and not functioning.

To overcome this, we can try to restart Windows Explorer. The easiest way is to use Task Manager:

  1. Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to open Task Manager.
  2. Next, on the Process tab > Search Explorer > Right-click> Then End Task .
  3. Then click File > Run New Task > Then look for Explorer.exe.
  4. Now, Windows Explorer has been successfully reset.

Wait a minute until Windows Explorer reloads. After that, try using the search feature again and see if the problem is resolved.

4. Fix System Error with CMD

Fix System Error with CMD

Windows search problems that only display a blank white screen when used can also be caused by deeper problems, such as errors in the file system.

To overcome this, we have to scan the system file in our Windows as a whole, with the hope that the source of the problem can be known then we fix it.

Fortunately, we don’t need to do this manually because Windows already has a feature that can do a file system scan and fix it automatically when there are problems. This feature is called SFC Utility.

  1. Press Windows + R.
  2. Type ” CMD “.
  3. Then click, OK.
  4. Enter the command ” sfc / scannow “.
  5. Click Enter.

Wait until the scanning process is complete. This tool will scan thoroughly so that the time required may be rather long. During the scanning process runs to completion there is nothing we need to do because SFC Utility will try to make improvements automatically.

The command prompt screen will appear if there are corrupt files or other problems and whether the status has been successfully repaired or not. To get more detailed information, we can see it at C: \ Windows \ Logs \ CBS \ CBS.log

If scanning the file system using SFC Utility has not been successful, try again in safe mode. So you first enter safe mode and then run SFC Utility again as above.

5. Check whether the Windows search bar does not work because it is connected to the internet

An internet connection may be the reason why the Windows search bar does not work. The only way to find this out is to use it while offline and online, see if the Windows search bar only has problems with one of them?

If it turns out that the internet connection is the cause of the Windows search bar does not work then the solution we can try is to block Cortana from the internet connection. In this way, we will still be able to use the search feature in Windows when online.

Go to Settings> Network & Internet> Windows Firewall> Advanced settings

Select the Outbound Rules section > look for rules named Cortana> right click> Properties> check Block the connection> Ok

Block Internet Connection in Windows 10

There are two outbound rules called Cortana; we have to block the internet connection in both.

After Cortana’s internet connection is blocked the search error problem in Windows 10 may be resolved. But the drawback we can not use Cortana to display search results from the internet.

6. Run Windows Troubleshooing

We can also use Windows Troubleshooter to solve search problems in Windows 10. Sometimes this feature is powerful enough to detect and fix issues that often arise when we use Windows.

Go to Control Panel> in the View by section, use Small icons> select Troubleshooting> System and Security> Search and Indexing> Next> follow the steps to complete.

Hopefully, this article was useful for you, but if all of the methods that have been explained are not working, then you can try to do an update on Windows 10 that is used or to reinstall Windows 10.

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