5 Password Manager To Back Up & Secure Your Password
Check out our selection of Password Manager to store your passwords securely. On the program: 1Password, LastPass, Dashlane, Enpass and Keepass.
1Password : a tool to store your passwords on a single medium
The password manager recommendations of IT security professionals are now well known to the general public: different passwords for each site and long and complex enough to minimize attacks Computer. However, if these tips are relevant, it remains difficult to remember such passwords even when using mnemotechnical means, especially when they tend to accumulate over time. In order to eliminate these constraints, 1Password gives users the ability to register their various passwords in a perfectly secure space.
Like any self-respecting password manager, 1Password asks the user to create a master password, a password that will give access to the database of multiple passwords you can save.
The special feature of 1Password is also to provide a key linked to the account, it cannot be changed, so it is imperative to be able to find it at any time if necessary. 1Password is original because it offers the user to save and print an emergency kit, that is, a document containing all the data essential to connect you, including the identifier of this famous key.
1Password allows you to record all the passwords and identifiers you use to connect to the apps you use and the internet you visit. With one click, forms can fill out automatically without having to search for your password and copy and paste.
The tool therefore saves a significant amount of time for Internet users who have many sessions and who would seek to increase productivity. The service does not only focus on password backup, but can also be used to record various data that could be hacked.
LastPass, a password manager to back up passwords
LastPass is an online tool that stores the various identifiers and passwords that people enter on a daily basis to log in to a user session on a website. In order to limit the risk of hacking that results from identical or too weak passwords, LastPass proposes to centralize complex passwords on a single medium (password manager).
To create an account on LastPass, it is necessary to create a master password that will give access to the LastPass interface and thus to all the passwords that you will have stored on the tool. The password manager complies with recommendations to maintain digital security by requiring a password with at least 12 characters.
Once the extension is installed on the browser of their choice, the user can then access the interface to add sites and enter the identifiers and passwords of each of them.
LastPass also automatically generates a perfectly secure password. Another password backup technique is simply to go to the sites where you have a user account and save it via the LastPass extension.
The extension then saves your passwords so that you don’t need to enter them to log in to your various accounts: the ID and password can now automatically fill in without going through the traditional technique copy and paste.
The recorded data is obviously encrypted by the tool. The service also allows you to record banking information, a WI-FI code or any confidential information that may be forgotten by the user or hacked by malicious individuals.
Dashlane, a French software to back up and secure passwords
Among the best practices of the web, the use of long and complex passwords is highly recommended. However, given the extent of the accounts that most Internet users have, it is sometimes difficult to navigate, even using mnemotechnical means. Dashlane is an ideal solution to not have to remember your passwords while protecting your digital life.
Dashlane operates on much the same principle as other password managers. Thus, after installing the software, you will be asked for a Master password. This is the only key to your password safe. In other words, it is fundamental to be able to remember this password that should only be known by you. You should know that even Dashlane can’t find your main password if you never remember it.
With a clear and readable interface, Dashlane enjoys a user experience that makes it easier to read information. There are several ways to save and secure a password and/or identifier. The extension installed automatically on your browser allows you to save your passwords once you complete the authentication forms on your usual sites. There is also the import method with, for example, the ability to import data from another password manager software. Finally, you can manually enter your passwords, choosing them yourself or using the password generator.
The tool also analyzes password security, allowing you to highlight passwords deemed too short, uncomplicated or even reused multiple times on different sites. A global security score will be an opportunity to see these weaknesses and potential hacking risks. A Password Chaner offers the ability to automatically replace passwords to optimize password security.
Enpass, a Password Manager to record and secure all your personal data
In order to ensure optimal computer security and preserve your digital life, it is important to use different passwords for each site, ensuring that they are complex enough to avoid any risk of hacking. However, these common-sense recommendations create significant constraints, whether it is to remember each password used, or to record them in a perfectly secure location. This is what Enpass, a password manager with a 265-bit AES key, offers to encrypt 100% of the database storing all registered passwords.
In order to access Enpass’s interface and its various features, it is first necessary to enter a master password (Master Password). This is the only password you won’t forget because it’s the one that will give you access to your database and therefore the multiple passwords that you will have the opportunity to save over time.
Enpass allows you to register your various personal data in the form of a category: credit card, professional life, wifi, travel… The password backup tool also gives you the ability to create your own category to record the confidential information of your choice. A password generator automatically creates passwords and sets certain preferences: length, use of capital letters, hyphen or the removal of any ambiguity (including the distinction between zero numbers and the letter O). A password audit can be used to gauge whether the chosen password is secure enough.
Among Enpass’s flagship features are the ability to sync your data to the cloud of your choice, as well as automatic filling out identification forms, saving a lot of time for users who will no longer have to enter their passwords and identifiers manually or search for them on paper.
Keepass, software to keep passwords safe
KeePass is a completely free password manager that has many features. It allows users to record on the same medium, i.e. on a single fully protected file, their different passwords used on the Internet. KeePass’s source code is open to everyone, so developers can regularly update it. It can be downloaded from the official website and is available on Windows, MacOs and Linux (for the latter two, installation is done via the Mono platform).
While KeePass’s interface can be complex for the most new, especially because of the large number of options, its operation is all that is most basic: after defining a password to be able to access your database (the ” Master Password, the only password you’ll remember, will allow you to securely register as many passwords as you want.
Like any database, KeePass allows you to create entries (for example: the relevant website, ID and password), and make changes at any time. The choice of a password can be done in two ways: either the software is asked to automatically create a secure password or the user decides to create it himself. In all cases, a barometer shows the security level of the password. Among the options present, KeePass gives the option to decide the expiration date of the password in order to change it more or less frequently.
The KeePass database can sync remotely via mobile. To use KeePass from another computer, the user can transfer The KeePass database file to a USB stick or other external media.
These were the 5 Best Password Manager available out there chose the one which suits you best and if you have any suggestion or query please comment down I will be happy to support you. If you like the article please share and Join us on Social Media.
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