Coronavirus Live Data with Maps and Tips to be Safe
The disease that was once called the mysterious outbreak of the city of Wuhan, China, has been identified as a new type of coronavirus. The world health agency, the World Health Organization (WHO), has established a temporary name for the disease, the novel coronavirus or 2019-nCOV.
Not only in his home country, the disease that attacks the respiratory system has now spread to various countries, such as South Korea, Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, to France and the United States. The total number of infected patients is currently recorded at around 2,700 people and 80 people have died.
What is the coronavirus and what causes it?
Coronavirus is actually a common cause of respiratory disorders, such as colds and respiratory infections. Coronavirus itself consists of various types such as SARS-cov which causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and MERS-cov which causes Middle-east respiratory syndrome (MERS). A few years ago, these two diseases also had an epidemic that struck many people.
This virus is zoonotic. That is, the coronavirus is actually infected by certain animals and then this virus can be transmitted from animals to humans.
Coronavirus can cause disease to humans if there is contact between an infected animal and the individual. At present, the spread is also known to occur between humans, if there are individuals who make direct contact with coronavirus sufferers.
Until now, it is known that there has been one doctor in China who died as a result of contracting the coronavirus from the patient he was handling.
Coronavirus transmission
Coronavirus novel disease is thought to appear first in people who have visited the local animal market. The market sells a variety of animal meats, ranging from seafood to bats and snakes.
According to the latest research, the 2019-nCOV coronavirus was first carried by a snake. Even so, because this is a new disease, further research needs to be done to ascertain the flow of transmission.
Over time, the spread of this disease is increasingly widespread. Infection does not only occur in people who have visited animal markets. This indicates that the transmission of this disease can occur between humans.
Until now, it is not yet known exactly how the transmission of the coronavirus novel occurs between humans. However, experts suspect the way is not much different from acute respiratory syndrome and other respiratory diseases, namely:
- Through infected individual body fluids, such as splashes of saliva that come out through sneezing or coughingThrough direct contact with sufferers, such as shaking hands or touching the patient’s bodyTouch an object with coronavirus particles on its surface, then directly touch the eyes, nose, or mouth without washing handsIn the case of other coronaviruses, the transmission is also known to occur through exposure to feces or stool. However, this rarely happens.
Characteristics of infected coronaviruses based on symptoms
In the case of patients who are positively infected by the coronavirus, various symptoms occur. Some people reported having only mild initial symptoms or not even feeling significant symptoms. But in other cases, some sufferers reported experiencing very severe symptoms.
Symptoms that can arise in a coronavirus novel infection include:
- FeverCoughHard to breatheNauseaThrow upDiarrhea
Symptoms can subside within a few days, but can also develop to be severe, especially in children, the elderly, and individuals with weak immune systems. In this vulnerable group of individuals, symptoms can develop into bronchitis or pneumonia.
Currently, experts believe that the symptoms of this type of coronavirus infection can appear 2 to 14 days since the infection first occurred. The period between the beginning of the infection and the appearance of symptoms is called the incubation period. During this incubation, the coronavirus can be contagious.
Thus, there could be one individual who has just returned from the area of the outbreak or has contact with a patient but feels fine and two weeks later only feels the appearance of coronavirus symptoms.
However, the symptoms that appear can be so severe that you need to contact your local health care provider immediately. Characteristics and signs of severe conditions, including:
- Hard to breatheContinual pain or feeling like a pressure in the chestConfusion or lack of energyBlue lips or face
Steps to prevent coronavirus transmission
Because it is still new, no vaccine can prevent this 2019-nCOV transmission. However, various health institutions ranging from WHO many countries have issued several appeals to help you avoid coronavirus transmission, such as:
- Be diligent in washing your hands using soap and running water or hand sanitizers containing alcohol, especially after sneezing, coughing, or touching objects in public places.When coughing or sneezing, don’t cover your mouth with your palm. Use the upper arm or disposable tissue. After that, continue with hand washing.Avoid direct contact with people who have the flu and fever.If you have a fever and flu, consult a doctor immediately.When traveling outside the home to a health facility, don’t forget to use a mask to prevent transmission to others.For the time being, don’t visit the animal market.Don’t eat raw foods. Make sure the food is sourced from animals, cooked perfectly until cooked.Use a mask when in public places.After traveling, immediately change clothes and take a shower.Don’t travel to areas where the coronavirus is plagued.
How Long Does Corona Virus Stay on Object Surface?
Today, the coronavirus is a plague that has spread throughout the world. Starting from Wuhan in China, a new type of coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) has spread to various countries, such as Italy, Iran, South Korea, the USA, Malaysia, and even INDIA.
Not only can it spread between humans, but this virus can also survive on the surface of objects contaminated by sparks from the mouth or nose of an infected person. However, how long can the coronavirus last on objects?
How long does the coronavirus last on objects?
COVID-19 can spread from person to person through sprays ( droplets ) that come out of the nose or mouth of an infected person when sneezing, coughing, or breathing. When you breathe it, of course, you can get it.
Even sparks can also fall on objects and surfaces around you. When you touch an object or surface, then touch the eyes, nose, or mouth, the virus can enter the body.
This certainly makes many people feel worried if the objects or the surrounding surface has been contaminated with SARS-CoV-2 virus, which is the cause of COVID-19, which is becoming a pandemic at this time.
Therefore, various questions arise about how long the virus can last on objects? Unfortunately, because the virus that causes COVID-19 is still very new, there hasn’t been much accurate research on how long it can last on objects or surfaces.
However, a study published in The Journal of Hospital Infection in February analyzed 22 studies of previous coronaviruses. This study aims to get more picture about how long the virus can survive on objects or surfaces.
The results of the analysis of 22 such studies reveal that the virus corona, such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome ( SARS ) coronavirus, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome ( Mers ) coronavirus, or endemic human coronavirus (HCoV), can survive on surfaces, such as metal, glass, or plastic for up to 9 days. Here is a more complete description of how long the coronavirus can last on objects or surfaces:
- In steel, the coronavirus can last for 48 hours or 2 daysIn aluminum, coronavirus can last for 2-8 hoursIn metals, the coronavirus can last for 5 daysInwood, coronavirus can last for 4 daysOn paper, the coronavirus can last for 4-5 daysOn glass, coronavirus can last for 4 daysIn plastic, coronavirus can last for 5 days or lessIn silicone rubber, the coronavirus can last for 5 daysIn latex, the coronavirus can last for 8 daysIn ceramics, the coronavirus can last for 5 daysIn Teflon, the coronavirus can last for 5 days.
Who Are the Vulnerable People Infected with Corona Virus?
The number of patients and cases of death due to infection with the coronavirus continues to increase every day. So far, coronavirus is indeed more often causing severe symptoms, even death in certain groups of people who are susceptible to being infected with the coronavirus.
Who are people who are susceptible to the coronavirus?
Some sufferers of the new coronavirus or COVID-19 have only experienced mild symptoms. In fact, not a few who actually have no symptoms at all despite being positively infected by the coronavirus.
However, in some people, COVID-19 tends to cause more severe symptoms and complications. The group is known to be more susceptible to the coronavirus. So who are they?
1. The elderly (elderly)
One of the most vulnerable groups infected with the coronavirus is the elderly (elderly) aged 60 years and over. Why are older people more vulnerable to coronavirus exposure?
As a person ages, the body will experience various decreases due to the aging process. Starting from decreased hormone production, skin elasticity, muscle mass, bone density, to the strength and function of body organs.
Then, the immune system as a body protector in the elderly cannot work optimally like when they were young. As a result, it is difficult for older people to fight various types of bacteria or viruses that cause disease, including infected with the COVID-19 coronavirus.
2. People with a history of certain diseases
Severe symptoms and serious complications due to COVID-19 are also experienced by people with a history of certain diseases, such as people suffering from chronic non-communicable diseases. The risk of chronic diseases can increase gradually starting from the age of 40 years.
Some types of chronic non-communicable diseases that may be suffered are diabetes, acute respiratory infections, asthma, heart disease, hypertension, cancer, and other medical conditions that attack the immune system.
Non-communicable diseases are mostly chronic, meaning they occur slowly and can persist for long periods. Not only lasts long, but chronic diseases also cause the sufferer’s health condition to decrease gradually so that they are susceptible to disease, including the coronavirus.
People who are susceptible to COVID-19 infection and have chronic comorbidities are at higher risk for experiencing severe symptoms, for example in the elderly.
This is because chronic diseases cause the sufferer’s immune system to weaken and are more difficult to fight infection. As a result, the body of chronic disease sufferers will be more susceptible to diseases, including the coronavirus COVID-19.
Besides, smokers, people with HIV or AIDS, people who have transplanted organs or bone marrow, and people who take high-dose corticosteroid drugs or other immune-suppressing drugs are also vulnerable to being infected with the coronavirus.
3. Medical personnel in the hospital
The next group of people who are susceptible to the coronavirus is medical personnel at the hospital, including doctors and nurses. How not, they are required to deal directly with patients infected with the coronavirus.
Given the very high risk, medical personnel need to apply procedures, protocols, and the use of certain personal protective equipment to prevent transmission of the coronavirus.
4. Children
Elderly people over the age of 60 years and people with a history of comorbidities are classified as susceptible to coronavirus infection. However, in some countries some young people have died as a result of being infected with COVID-19.
Although their condition may not be as severe as in adult patients, the risk of children, especially babies, being infected with the coronavirus should not be underestimated.
How to prevent transmission of the coronavirus in vulnerable groups of people
Elderly or elderly people and people with a history of certain diseases are more likely to be infected with the corona COVID-19 virus due to their relatively low body immunity.
However, there are various ways to prevent transmission of the virus to vulnerable groups of people, namely:
1. Wash your hands frequently
One way to prevent coronavirus is to wash your hands frequently. This applies to people who are susceptible to the coronavirus and other family members who live with them.
Be sure to wash your hands after using the toilet, after coughing and sneezing, and before and after eating. You can wash your hands using running water and soap.
However, if you have difficulty finding access to running water, you can wash your hands with a cleaning liquid that contains 60% alcohol.
Washing your hands with running water and soap or cleaning fluid containing alcohol can help get rid of and kill viruses that may be present on the surface of your hands. Make sure you wash your hands properly for at least 20 seconds.
2. Spraying disinfectant liquid
Ask the caregiver of the elderly or family members at home to routinely spray the disinfectant liquid on the surface of the object most frequently touched by many people. For example, door handles, tables, chairs, sink faucets, cabinets, and others.
Disinfectant fluids are considered more effective in killing bacteria and microorganisms on the surface of any inanimate objects, which mediate exposure to harmful viruses or bacterial infections when inhaled or touched by humans.
3. Keep your distance from people who are sick
Avoid being close to people who are sick, including people who experience symptoms of coughing or sneezing. If possible, keep a distance of at least 6 meter from family members who live in one house and are in a sick condition. Or use a separate room from other family members.
The reason is, when someone coughs or sneezes, they will issue a splash of fluid containing the virus from the nose or mouth.
If you are too close to him, you can inhale a splash of fluids that can cause you to contract the disease experienced by that person, including the COVID-19 coronavirus.
4. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth
How to prevent transmission of other coronaviruses is to avoid touching the eyes, nose, and mouth, until the hands are clean.
The reason is, every day you might touch any object that is around you. Whether you realize it or not, these objects can risk increasing the spread of the virus in your hand.
When the hands touch the eyes, nose and mouth, the virus can enter the body so that makes you fall ill.
5. Maintain cleanliness when coughing and sneezing
When you sneeze and cough, make sure you cover your nose and mouth with your elbows or tissue. After that, immediately throw the tissue in a closed trash can and clean your hands using running water and soap, or a hand sanitizer.
With this, you can protect others around you, especially the elderly and people with a history of certain chronic diseases from various viruses, such as colds, colds, to COVID-19, which may come out through splashes of fluid from the mouth and nose.
6. Follow the arrival protocol until you get home after traveling
If there are family members who are still traveling outside the house in the middle of a corona outbreak, be sure to follow the following arrival and arrival protocols after traveling to avoid coronavirus transmission:
- Take off shoes at the door, before entering the houseSpray disinfectant liquid on items carried on the goRemove unneeded receiptsDon’t touch anything and don’t rest immediatelyWash hands immediately with soap and running waterUndressTake a bath clean
7. Contact a doctor or hospital if you experience symptoms of certain diseases
If a group of people prone to infection with the coronavirus who live in the same house as you is experiencing symptoms of certain diseases, especially coronavirus symptoms, contact the hospital first to get medical help to the hospital.
A weakened immune system plus the presence of a chronic disease can increase the risk of COVID-19 coronavirus transmission in the elderly and people with a history of certain diseases.
Therefore, it is important to prevent the transmission of coronavirus in susceptible groups of people infected with the coronavirus.
Corona Virus Transmission in Children, Parents Must Know
Coronavirus transmission does not look at age, ranging from the elderly (elderly) until children can be affected by the disease with the official name COVID-19. In Indonesia, the government has also announced that there are corona positive patients under the age of 5 (toddlers).
This news certainly makes not a few parents panicked about the outbreak of corona among children. However, the United States Center for Disease Management and Prevention (CDC) states children are not the group most at risk for this new virus.
Why is that?
Understanding coronavirus transmission in children
In USA, until Friday (3/13), there were 69 people infected with the coronavirus, two of whom were children. Each child is 2 years old with moderate physical condition and a 3-year-old boy with mild to moderate physical condition.
Both were suspected of being infected with corona from their parents who were also positive for COVID-19. Transmission of the coronavirus to children adds to the long list of corona patients in children under the age of 15 years which has also previously occurred in several countries.
One of the most extreme cases of transmission of the coronavirus occurred in Wuhan, China, last February. At that time, babies who were only 30 hours old tested positive for COVID-19 because their mother had the same disease first.
Transmission of the coronavirus in children is the same as in adults, that is, through a liquid ( droplet ) that comes out of the mouth of the disease sufferer when sneezing, coughing, or just talking. This droplet can stick to the object first, then touch the child’s hand which is used to wipe the face or eat.
Coronavirus infection in children is not as severe as adults
COVID-19 is often associated as a disease with a low immune system so children are feared to be more susceptible to this one outbreak. In fact, there is some news that might ease some parents’ thoughts about the relationship between the coronavirus and children:
1. The number of children who are COVID-19 positive is small
Compared to adults, only a few children are infected with this virus from Wuhan, China. In a medical journal published by JAMA, it was revealed that this virus attacks most people aged 49-56 years.
2. Symptoms of COVID-19 in children are milder
Children who are tested positive for COVID-19 usually experience milder symptoms than adults. Until now, COVID-19 patients who showed severe physical conditions were mostly elderly or people who had concomitant diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease.
This condition is similar to when the SARS and MERS virus outbreaks hit several countries, a few years ago. At that time, there were also children affected by the two viruses, but the severity and death were not as high as adults.
Health experts themselves have not been able to find the factors that cause not too severe the impact of coronavirus transmission in these children. However, two theories might underlie this:
- Children who are still COVID-19 negative are not yet exposed by this virus, orThere are differences in the work of antibodies in children that are different from adults.
What is clear, until now, doctors have not been able to draw conclusions about the impact of the coronavirus on children. For this reason, parents are still advised to take preventative measures so that their children avoid exposure to this virus.
How to prevent transmission of coronavirus in children
Because the way the coronavirus is transmitted to children is the same as adults, the preventive measures that must be taken are also the same:
- Make sure children often wash their hands with soap or use hand sanitizers that contain alcohol.Avoid people who look sick, including coughing and sneezing.Clean objects that are often touched by children with disinfectants, such as door handles, chairs, tables, to toys.Wash children’s toys also with water and soap or according to the instructions for use. If possible, wash the toy using warm water.For parents, reduce the habit of kissing or touching your child’s face.Don’t bring children in a crowd or crowd.For parents who work, after work immediately change clothes and take a shower before interacting with children.
Children do not need to wear a mask if they are not having a fever, cough, or runny nose. Conversely, if your child shows such symptoms, take him to the health service center by wearing a mask and as much as possible avoid contact with others.
Some schools dismiss students to prevent the impact of the coronavirus on children. But if your child’s school does not do the same policy, no need to panic and take the precautionary steps above.
Similar But Not The Same, Know The Difference Between Coronavirus And Common Flu Symptoms
The world community, including in the USA, is still shrouded in concern due to the outbreak of the coronavirus. How not, an infection that attacks the respiratory system at a glance is indeed similar to the common cold. So, is there a difference in the symptoms of coronavirus or COVID-19 and the common cold?
The answer is of course there is. The following are the different symptoms of coronavirus or COVID-19 and the common cold.
Know the difference between the symptoms of coronavirus and the common cold
The common cold and the coronavirus or COVID-19 are actually caused by viruses that attack the human respiratory tract. However, the two viruses are from different groups.
Here are the different symptoms of coronavirus or COVID-19 and the common cold that you need to know about.
1. Symptoms of the common cold
The flu is a viral infection that attacks the upper respiratory tract, namely the nose and throat.
The virus that causes the common cold comes from the rhinovirus group. This virus spreads from person to person through splashes of fluid released into the air by the sufferer when coughing, sneezing, or talking.
Children under the age of 6 years are susceptible to flu. However, adults can also experience this type of disease. In general, the symptoms of the common cold that are caused, include:
- Runny noseSore throatCoughSneezingFever (rare)Nasal congestionMild headacheThe body feels achingFeeling weak
These symptoms usually appear 1-3 days after exposure to the virus from other people who are sick with the flu. People who are at risk for flu are children under 1 year of age as well as those who have a low immune system.
2. Symptoms of COVID-19 coronavirus infection
Coronavirus infection or COVID-19 also attacks the respiratory system. No doubt if the symptoms of coronavirus are somewhat similar to the common cold.
People infected with the coronavirus can come from various age ranges, whether children, adults, pregnant or breastfeeding mothers, to the elderly (elderly).
Besides, people who have previously experienced medical conditions, such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease, are more prone to be infected with the coronavirus.
The initial symptoms of a coronavirus infection actually vary from person to person. Generally, coronavirus symptoms can appear 4-10 days after exposure to people who suffer. In general, the main symptoms of coronavirus include:
- High feverDry coughFeeling weakHard to breathe
The mild symptoms mentioned above can appear gradually.
People with COVID-19 can also experience muscle aches, headaches, sore throats, nasal congestion, colds, or diarrhea. However, this symptom is rare and is not typical in people with COVID-19.
How to treat the symptoms of coronavirus and the common cold
How to treat the symptoms of coronavirus and the common cold cannot be compared. Because, although both spread through viruses, both have different ways of treatment. Here’s how to treat the symptoms of the common cold and coronavirus infection.
1. Treatment of the common cold
Flu symptoms can usually heal itself within 4-7 days. Therefore, it only takes a lot of rest, eat nutritious foods, and maintain body fluids to remain balanced to accelerate the healing of colds.Pain relievers (acetaminophen, paracetamol, and ibuprofen ) can be used to relieve cold symptoms, such as fever, sore throat, and headaches. Pain relievers are available in various brands and can be found easily at pharmacies.
In some cases, your doctor may prescribe several types of supplements to increase body immunity. This is done to shorten the symptoms of the disease or prevent serious complications, such as pneumonia.
2. Treatment of coronavirus infection
Until now, no drugs or vaccines have been found that can treat and prevent coronavirus symptoms.
For people diagnosed with COVID-19, they must receive appropriate intensive care at the hospital to maintain the patient’s condition, overcome complications that arise so as not to be fatal and prevent the spread of the virus.
COVID-19 is a new disease so the prevention and treatment of transmission are still being developed. However, you can minimize the risk of getting this infection by prevention as follows:
- Wash your hands frequently using running water and soap or cleaning fluid containing 60% alcohol.Avoid being close to people who are sick, including experiencing symptoms of coughing or sneezing, at least as far as 1 meter.Avoid touching the eyes, nose, and mouth, until the hands are clean.Maintain cleanliness when sneezing and coughing by covering your nose and mouth with a tissue or inner elbow.Do not travel when you are sick, whether to school, office, or other public places.
Healthy Notes Q
If you experience flu symptoms, especially those that do not heal for more than 1 week and are accompanied by high fever, you should immediately consult a doctor to find out the cause.
Symptoms of COVID-19 are mild at first glance similar to the symptoms of the common cold. Therefore, you need to more closely recognize the differences in the symptoms of coronavirus or COVID-19 and the common cold, based on the explanation above.
How to Keep the Immune Healthy to Fight Corona Virus
To protect yourself from exposure to the coronavirus, the world community has carried out many major preventive measures. Call it, by staying at home, keeping a distance from others, until diligently washing hands. In addition to these main preventative measures, one more thing that is crucial to do is to maintain the immune system or the immune system to stay healthy.
It is important to note that there is no vaccine to prevent COVID-19. Measuring healthy immune or not is certainly difficult to do. Most importantly, you must avoid exposure to the virus, and keep your body’s immune healthy and fit.
How to keep the immune system healthy against the coronavirus
Seemingly trivial but vital, the following methods help maintain healthy immunity:
1. Get enough sleep
Sleep has a very close relationship with the immune system. Enough sleep is one way to maintain the immune system regulation. Conversely, lack of sleep will reduce the immune system.
Lack of sleep can make a person susceptible to infection with pathogens, such as the decreased proliferation of lymphocytes that are part of the immune system. Besides, the body also releases a type of protein called cytokines only when we sleep. Cytokines play an important role in the human immune system.
To meet your sleep needs, the National Sleep Foundation says adults need to get enough sleep at least 7-9 hours a day.
2. Consumption of healthy foods
Spending time at home will make it easier for you to eat healthy food. A healthy immune system will also need nutrients from nutritious food.
Many nutrients are important for the body, ranging from vitamins, minerals, to antioxidant molecules. Simply, make your dining table colored with fruits and vegetables, such as avocados, berries, carrots, tomatoes, and oranges that are easy to find.
3. Take a multivitamin
Multivitamin consumption may be needed if you feel unable to get nutrients from healthy food. Taking a multivitamin can also strengthen your immune system. Make sure you consult your doctor before taking certain supplements, to avoid the risk of side effects.
4. Sports at home
A 2015 study found that adequate exercise (not excessive) helps the process of regeneration of immune cells, and reduce inflammation in the body. Yes, in maintaining the immune system, physical exercise need not be excessive and must be adjusted to the ability of self.
For moderate-intensity exercise at home, one thing you can do is to walk around the yard.
5. Control stress
Some people might not think that stress is actually very related to the immune system. For example, long-term stress can trigger an imbalance in immune cell function and provoke inflammation.
There are many ways to control stress, such as doing meditation, exercising lightly, and carrying out positive activities while at home. Don’t forget to connect with your family and friends virtually, especially if you live alone in the middle of this pandemic.
6. Stop smoking
Cigarettes have absolutely no health benefits. Cigarettes are associated with lung disease, lung cancer, and coronary heart disease. Concerning the immune system, smoking can interfere with various immune cells, such as CD4 + cells, T-helper cells, B lymphocyte cells, and memory T lymphocyte cells.
The expert also mentioned, smoking increases the risk of COVID-19 complications.
7. Allocate time to bask in the sun
You have heard a lot of suggestions for sunbathing briefly in the sun. The sun’s rays are said to energize one of the immune cells, namely T cells. Basking in the sun for a while can also help you get in a better mood.
The morning before 10 o’clock for 15 minutes is the best potential time to bask in the sun.
8. Stay away from bad fats
Healthy fats are said to help improve the body’s immune response by reducing inflammation. Because, chronic inflammation can weaken the immune system. Many sources of healthy fats can be consumed, ranging from olive oil, fatty fish like salmon, to as simple as avocados.
The immune system is crucial in fighting coronavirus infection
A study in Australia in the journal Nature Medicine concluded, a healthy immune system is very likely to defeat SARS-CoV-2. In this research, researchers conducted an analysis of blood samples of 47-year-old female patients positive for moderate-mild symptoms of COVID-19, who had a history of travel from Wuhan to Melbourne.
The following is a summary of research on immune resistance:
- Blood is drawn four times during the patient’s illness period, which is the 7th day, 8th day, 9th day, and 20th day. Researchers found, during days 7-9 where the patient had shown symptoms, there was an increase in the immune system’s immunoglobulin G, which fights off the coronavirus. There is also an increase in M immunoglobulin from patients.Increased immunoglobulin in these patients continues for up to 20 days after symptoms occur. Do not stop there, in blood samples days 7 and 9 there are also active immune cells, such as helper T cells, killer T cells, and B cells.The patient was then allowed to undergo independent isolation at home on the 11th day. The symptoms he showed disappeared on the 13th day and remained healthy on the 20th day, during the period of supervision and research.
This research shows that the body issues many ‘weapons’ against SARS-CoV-2. Maintaining the immune system in the ways above is no doubt crucial to do. But most importantly, to avoid this virus, you must remain silent at home, keep the distance as far as possible from others, and maintain personal hygiene, especially hands.
If You Are Positively Infected With Corona Virus, What To Do?
The number of patients who are positive for the COVID-19 coronavirus in USA is increasing every day. As a result, many people flocked to do a coronavirus examination because fretting about the possibility of positively infected with the coronavirus.
Many people perceive that if coronavirus is positive, the world will end. In fact, this is not the case. The corona COVID-19 virus is dangerous, but in some people, it can cause mild symptoms, severe symptoms, or maybe asymptomatic at all.
However, the question is, if you are positively infected by the coronavirus, what exactly should be done?
This should be done if you are positive for the coronavirus
There are three possible health conditions experienced by you if the coronavirus is positive after a series of coronavirus tests, or maybe when you experience symptoms of the coronavirus even though you have not tested it.
First, coronavirus positive, but you are in good health and show no symptoms.
Second, be positive for the coronavirus and you experience mild symptoms. For example, fever, coughing, feeling weak, but not experiencing shortness of breath. You can still do light activities normally.
Third, the coronavirus is positive and you experience symptoms that are classified as severe. For example, high fever (body temperature above 38 degrees), experiencing shortness of breath, and can not do any activity.
If you experience any of the above health conditions, here are the steps that must be done.
1. Positive coronavirus but not experiencing any symptoms
You might be positive for the coronavirus without showing any symptoms. This condition indicates that your body is strong enough and healthy and can fight the coronavirus in the body.
Well, it’s best, you stay calm and don’t panic. Don’t rush to the hospital for a check-up because your condition can spread the virus to other people, especially when you are on a trip and in a health care facility. You just need to isolate yourself at home.
During self-isolation at home, do the following:
- Stay at home, don’t work or travel to crowded places.Always use a mask properly during self-isolation. Occasionally in an open space and basking in the sun every morning. Use separate rooms from other family members. If possible, keep a distance of at least 1 meter from other family members living in the same house. Avoid sharing personal items, such as cutlery (plates, spoons, forks, cups) and toiletries (dipper, toothbrushes, towels), and bedsheets. If a person infected with the coronavirus is forced to share rooms and personal equipment with healthy family members, make sure the room and equipment are cleaned first using disinfectant fluid before other family members use it. Maintain cleanliness of the room and items at home with disinfectant fluids. You can also use disposable gloves to touch the items you touch the most, such as doors, tables, chairs, taps and more. Be diligent in washing your hands with water and soap or hand sanitizer and drying them properly. You can dry it using a tissue, then immediately throw it in a closed trash can, or use a clean towel that should be replaced regularly. Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing using a tissue or inner elbow. After that, immediately throw the tissue in a closed trash can and clean your hands using running water and soap, or a hand sanitizer. Don’t touch your eyes, nose and mouth without washing your hands first. Take daily temperature measurements and observe if there are clinical symptoms that appear, such as coughing, fever, and difficulty breathing.
Basically, coronavirus infection is a disease that can heal itself as long as the endurance of the sufferer’s body is in good condition. So, it is important to increase your intake of water, eat nutritious foods, and rest well at home so that the body remains healthy and strong against viruses.
World Health Organization recommends isolation at home should be done for 14 days. Because the life span of the virus in the body occurs for 2-14 days.
Even though you’ve been isolating yourself for 14 days, keep doing social distancing and often washing your hands with soap and running water.
2. Positive coronavirus with mild symptoms
If you are positive for the coronavirus with mild symptoms, such as fever, cough, weakness, but no shortness of breath, and can even carry out normal light activities, take the following steps:
- Keep calm and don’t panic.Do self-isolation at home for 14 days with the same guidelines as previously explained in the first point. Do not rush to go to the hospital because it can spread the virus to other people, especially when you are on a trip and in the hospital. The condition of a crowded hospital visited by many people can increase stress, panic, and anxiety. Consult a doctor online through several available health applications or contact the hospital to ask for a clear direction. If you have a fever, you should take a fever-lowering drug (paracetamol). Increase your water intake, eat nutritious foods, and rest well at home so that the body remains strong and healthy against the virus.
During isolation at home, your condition still needs to be monitored. If your symptoms tend to be mild-moderate and always maintain personal health and hygiene, your chances of recovery will be high.
You can also end the period of isolation at home after 14 days on condition:
- Do not have a fever and do not take fever-lowering drugs (paracetamol) for at least 72 hours or three days in a row.Symptoms of the coronavirus, such as coughing and shortness of breath, have improved and even disappeared.It has been over seven days since the symptoms of the disease first appeared.
Conversely, if the symptoms of the coronary virus worsen, such as feeling very weak and experiencing shortness of breath, seek medical help immediately to the hospital.
3. Positive coronavirus with severe symptoms
Do the points below if you are positive for coronavirus accompanied by high fever (body temperature above 38 degrees), severe shortness of breath, have a history of other diseases (diabetes, acute respiratory infections, asthma, heart disease, cancer), and do not can do any activity:
- Contacting emergency contacts 119 ext. 9Go to the COVID-19 referral hospitalAlways use a mask Perform ethics sneezing and coughing using a tissue or inner elbow. After that, immediately throw the tissue in a closed trash can and clean your hands using running water and soap, or a hand sanitizer. Always have enough healthy and nutritious food and water intake
Patients in this condition need serious treatment. Prioritize patients with these conditions to get the right treatment immediately in the hospital.
The majority of people who are positively infected by the coronavirus have mild symptoms or even without experiencing any symptoms. So, you should stay calm and don’t panic, do self-isolation at home.
Unnecessary panic in droves to the hospital overwhelmed medical personnel. As a result, health services cannot focus on dealing with corona virus-positive patients with severe and critical symptoms.
So, let’s break the chain of spreading of the coronavirus by prioritizing hospital services for the critical so that no more fatalities are caused by the positive coronavirus.
Effective Social Distancing to Prevent Corona Virus Spread, How to Do it?
The spread of the coronavirus happened so fast. Based on the latest data from the World Health Organization (WHO), in just over 3 months, the virus that had started in the city of Wuhan, China, has spread to 141 countries. Now, to slow its spread, scientists have encouraged people to do social distancing. How to?
In essence, social distancing is an action to stay as much as possible at home, stay away from the crowd, and not travel if it is not needed. Social distancing, which literally means keeping a distance from social life, will slow the spread of the coronavirus that occurs through droplet contamination or saliva splashes at close range.
With social distancing, your risk of contracting COVID-19 from others will be reduced. Conversely, if you are infected but do not realize it, then keep away from the crowd will really help prevent the spread.
The importance of social distancing during the pandemic
Already busy term social distancing called on local and international social media. This step is considered one of the simplest and most effective ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19 disease. Why so?
The SARS-COV2 virus, which is the cause of COVID-19, spreads through droplets or saliva splashes. So, if someone infected with this virus then accidentally coughs or sneezes without closing his mouth, then the droplet will fall on the surface that is nearby.
When someone who is not infected holds the surface, then touches his mouth, nose or eyes without washing his hands first, then he is at high risk of being infected. This is what makes the transmission of this disease rise dramatically in a short time.
Many people are not aware that they are infected, then go to various locations to meet their friends and relatives. As a result, the spread of this virus is increasingly widespread. Moreover, this virus can already be transmitted to other people, even though infected people do not feel severe symptoms. They may feel healthy and only slightly sneezing or flu, but it turns out they have been infected with COVID-19.
Imagine if an infected person still comes to work, school comes to a seminar or music concert. Although initially only one person was infected, but after it spread, it could have been thousands of other people who were in that place, also infected.
So from now on, so that the spread of this virus does not become more widespread in USA , the role that you can do is to do social distancing. Do not move outside the home unless absolutely necessary. For the time being, avoid gathering directly with friends or relatives. There’s also no need to visit crowded centers like malls or tourist attractions.
Social distancing will reduce the risk of spread of infection to a maximum of 3 people, who are in one place of residence, or the closest relatives. Without this social distancing step, the spread of infection could reach 1,000 other people who were at the same concert.
Slowing the rate of spread of the virus is also important so that people who are sick, are not infected simultaneously. Of course, it will be much easier to treat 4 infected people compared to 1,000 sick people simultaneously.
Thus, social distancing is indirectly able to help hospitals, laboratories, as well as doctors and other medical personnel to avoid being overwhelmed by the number of COVID-19 patients that exceeds the capacity and capability of the area. Thus, all sick patients can get optimal care.
If the availability of hospitals and the number of medical staff are not balanced with the number of patients, there will be many patients infected with the coronavirus who ultimately cannot get proper treatment. As a result, the death rate will be even higher.
A concrete example of the importance of social distancing
Have you ever heard the story of patient 31 from South Korea? This patient is a source of infection for thousands of people in South Korea, which is currently one of the countries with the highest number of coronavirus infections in the world.
Quoting from Reuters, 31 patients in South Korea are women who actually already have symptoms, are reluctant to do a corona examination. After that, he actually went to crowded places like hotels and churches.
As a result, more than 1,000 people who came to the same place with him, infected with the coronavirus. It is one of the reasons why South Korea is one of the countries with the most patients with COVID-19 infection.
Imagine if the 31st patient did social distancing by not going to a crowd. So, thousands of cases of corona infection can be avoided.
So, if you feel you have symptoms, don’t hesitate to have a checkup before it’s too late. For those of you who feel healthy, always keep clean and you should first cancel the intention to travel, unless absolutely necessary.
How to do social distancing in a right way?
The easiest and simplest way to do social distancing is not to go to crowded places like malls, markets, concerts, theaters, offices, or schools. Besides, some of the things below can also be done as a form of social distancing to slow the spread of the coronavirus.
- Hold meetings online rather than meet in personIf possible, work from homeCancel plans to travel to a crowded event, including a weddingTo maintain a friendship, do not meet with friends or relatives in public places, but instead use technology such as chat and video calls.Limit activities outside the city or abroadStart buying enough staple goods, for example for a stock for 2 weeks or 14 days, so you don’t need to go out too often to shopIf possible, order your daily needs online so you don’t have to leave the house.
Indeed, for some people, doing social distancing is not an easy matter. But if possible, try to do it as much as possible according to your ability.
Of course, this effort must also be accompanied by maintaining cleanliness and the health of the body by diligently washing hands, eating nutritious foods, and exercising regularly. If necessary, you can also take additional vitamin supplements to increase endurance.
Coronavirus pandemic is a common problem. Therefore, do not simplify or underestimate this condition, and always do your best to prevent transmission.
How to Clean Cell Phones Effectively to Be Free of Corona Virus
The entry of the coronavirus into the World made many people wary. Especially you who have to travel every day. Imagine you are in a public vehicle, such as a bus or train, then hold a handle, a handle, or a seat that is unclear about its cleanliness.
We never know who has touched it before, and there is always a risk that these objects can be contaminated by the coronavirus. The problem is, we often forget and immediately hold a cellphone or cellphone after touching the facility on the public vehicle.
For most people, cellphones are the most frequently touched items so that they are considered as the most effective items that we use in our daily lives. Based on data examined by health journalists from the Seattle Times, there are 25,127 bacteria attached to your cellphone. This is even dirtier than the bacteria in the toilet seat which only amounts to 1,201 bacteria.
This finding certainly must make you more careful in holding a cellphone or cellphone, especially when the Corona Virus is blocking. A recent study from the United States government revealed that the coronavirus can survive on contaminated plastic and stainless steel surfaces for up to 2-3 days.
When you attach your cellphone to your face or hands, it means that you have also allowed bacteria, viruses, or other germs that are on the cellphone or its case to move to your skin. Besides washing your hands properly, you can also start cleaning your cellphone. Of course not by washing it.
How to Disinfect / Clean cell phones effectively
According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ), alcohol can penetrate bacterial or viral cell membranes and destroy them by lowering cell surface tension and denaturing proteins so that they can kill bacteria and weaken viruses. The ability of alcohol is considered the most effective when the level reaches 70 percent.
Although alcohol is 70 percent effective for eliminating microbes, do not spray alcohol directly as a way to clean your cell phone. Reporting from the website Cnet technology website, alcohol is rumored to be able to remove the oleophobic and hydrophobic layers that keep oil and water from the surface of your cell phone. If the layer is damaged, the display screen and other components can also be damaged.
Therefore, you can follow the advice issued by Apple’s technology company. Reporting from the official website, Apple recommends using disinfectant wipes that contain 70 percent alcohol to clean their output cellphones. Here’s how:
- Unplug all cables and turn off the handphone. In addition to security reasons for your device, turning off the device’s screen will allow you to see dirt more easily.Remove or remove the HP casing and other accessories contained on your cellphone.Clean horizontally or vertically on your HP touch screen in one direction over and over with disinfectant wipes. This movement can sweep microbes and is the safest way to clean the screen. For example, start from the left side of the screen and swipe straight to the right side of the screen. After that, move the tissue a little lower and repeat this process to clean the entire screen.Remember, do not rub too hard so as not to erode the screen layer.Avoid excessive rubbing of exposed parts of the cellphone, such as a charger or earphone holes to avoid any humidity that can damage the cellphone in the area.Don’t forget to clean the back area, like the back camera and flash.Also clean your plastic casing and rub each surface, allowing the alcohol to evaporate to dry the case before replacing it.
In addition to Apple, other brands have not provided a statement regarding how to clean HP. You can guess whether your cellphone display material is the same as the Apple brand. If it’s the same, you can use a similar method for cleaning HP using disinfectant wipes.
If you are still worried about disinfecting wipes that can damage your cellphone screen, mobile phone cleaning is now available that claims to be able to kill 99.99 percent of microbes and can repel bacteria that you can find on the market.
Disinfectant wipes are different from alcohol swabs that are specifically intended for medical use. Better, choose a special disinfectant tissue for the gadget or as an alternative, you can also use a microfiber cloth that is sprayed with 70 percent alcohol.
To prevent the spread of disease, rational steps are also very necessary. Do not hoard items that do not match portions. Take the role of keeping the infection rate low by keeping the stock of medical equipment in normal condition. Don’t forget to keep yourself clean by always washing your hands with soap.